How to Publish Job Offers

D-MTEC Job Offers

Please publish job offers at D-MTEC on the ETH job platform. You can find information about the process within the ETH guidelines for recruiting

External Job Offers

You are welcome to publish job offers external to D-MTEC free of charge. To simplify our work please follow these guidelines:

  1. Send the job offer as pdf to
  2. Include the title of the position in your email. Please keep it short.
  3. Specify in the email, how to categorise the job. The available options are:
    • external job offers,
    • external internships, or
    • external Master's theses.
  4. Indicate the company name in the email.
  5. Provide us either with an end date for the publication or – alternatively – let us know if you will inform us, once the position has been filled.


Submitted job descriptions will be reviewed with regard to how they fit our student and alumni profiles. We reserve the right to refuse an offer without any further justification.

The maximum publication period is six months. Older advertisements will be deleted. You are welcome to send us a new version of the job offer in case you are still looking for applicants after six months. We generally publish up to three job offers per company at the same time.

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