Sarah Godehardt

Sarah Godehardt

Sarah Godehardt

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-MTEC

ETH Zürich

Professur Organizational Behavior

WEV K 516

Weinbergstr. 56/58

8092 Zürich


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Research area

Sarah Godehardt is a doctoral candidate at the chair of Organizational Behavior at D-MTEC. Before entering an academic career, she worked in different fields of Human Resources in multi-national companies like Vodafone and METRO AG for more than 5 years. This extensive industry background, combined with her passion for understanding and improving organizational dynamics, makes her committed to bridging gaps between theory and practice, making a significant impact on the field of Organizational Behavior. Sarah holds a Bachelor's degree in Educational Science and a Master's degree in Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Her master's thesis focused on gender biases in the assessment of development potential in career contexts.

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